30 Romantic Images of Love
Love is a pure and natural feeling that is much more than admiration and short of fixation about another person. It is a feeling hard to define in words but people see it in their dreams. Love in dream reflects your happiness and contentment form real life. Our heart is brimming with this happiness and you are unable to contain it. This is why it spills over in your dreams. A dream about love is an indication that you care a lot about your partner and your relationship is not all sex.
Where would we be without love? The answer is nowhere, because there is nothing out there without love. If your father didn’t love your mother, you would not be on this earth. Love is the most beautiful and also the most cursed feeling in the world. We are trying to find love our entire lifetime. Some find it, while others look for it everywhere, not being able to find it because of bad luck. Some say that there is a half out there for each one of us, but when we need to look for it amongst 6 billion people, it is a little hard. That does not mean that you need to stop searching. On the contrary, looking for love should be the goal of your life.