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3 Tips for Finding Balance When You Have a Demanding Career

When you have a demanding career, it can be hard to find a balance between your commitment to your job and anything else. Yet, when you have a family to look after and take care of, it’s absolutely critical that you find a balance. The pressure coming at you from both sides can be overwhelming at times, which is why learning the right tools is essential. 

Whether you’re in the manufacturing industry or you’re a hairdresser, no career is necessarily more important than another. It’s your way of making money to support your family and something you’re (hopefully) good at. Here are some practical tips to help you succeed at your career while also loving and looking after your family.

Create Boundaries

The first step is creating clear boundaries between these two areas of your life. This means creating clear boundaries not only with your family but also with your place of employment. Everyone should know that certain work hours are off-limits, while certain family times are off-limits. 

Setting boundaries will prevent each area of your life from spilling into the other. Sticking to these defined boundaries will help prevent burnout, and miscommunications between you, your family, and your workplace. 

Sometimes implementing these boundaries may take time and require small steps. However, by implementing small changes little by little, you can eventually avoid splitting yourself in too many directions at once.


Not all tasks are a top priority. If you treat everything as if it’s critical and urgent, then you’re going to burn yourself out!   Make a list of everything that you have to do and put it in order of importance.  Focus on the high-impact tasks that will ultimately contribute to your long-term goals first.

Then you can move on to the smaller ones. Make sure that you filter through your list and eliminate anything that doesn’t really matter in the big picture. You only have so much time, so filling your plate with things that don’t contribute to your long-term goals will only waste your time and negatively impact your career in personal life.

Practice Self Care

When it comes to striking a balance in life, self-care is critical. The world is fast-paced, and it’s all too common to put your to-do’s before your mental health. Yet, the more you incorporate self-care and mindfulness into your daily routine, the more you’ll find that you’re capable of finding a balance between each area of your life. 

From deep breathing exercises to taking a walk in nature a few times a week, quieting and balancing your mind can make a world of difference in your energy levels and ability to focus.