21 Best Kiss Images to Inspire You
Have you ever been kissed?
No… I’m not talking about the touch on the forehead by your Mom or the peck on the cheek by your friends, siblings, or relatives. I mean the one that really matters. The one that really makes a difference. The one that single-handedly lifts you up and transports you into another world. The one that comes from a true soul-mate. The one that moves you so deeply it nearly always brings you to tears.
One of the most sensitive areas of touch we have on our bodies are our lips. They seem to carry an inherent warmth within them that is like a fire in the hearth that can be a passing reminder of caring, or can be stoked into a blazing inferno of unexplained and nearly reckless passion, if uncontrolled.
Such a sensitive organ, the lips. One that is initially controlled by the mind, but can be soon released with such careless abandon by the heart. The very image of the lips can instill feelings of longing, feelings of hope, feelings of joy from deep within the soul.