10 Vegetarians /Vegans from India who changed the way we look at fitness.
India has about 500 million vegetarians and a lot of these in the recent past, have taken gaming and resistant training. The word fitness normally has certain connotations with it such as power, strength, muscle, and particularly immense physical strength.
These fitness athletes and bodybuilders have redefined strength, they measure strength by their resilience in the adversities. Standing up for what they believe in, even if it makes the path more difficult. Compassion is the ultimate measure of a person’s strength.
These 10 compassionates had the privilege of breaking the stereotypes and embracing fitness with a plant-based diet. An alternative lifestyle does not promote health and longevity but also compassion. If you are on your journey towards getting fit on a vegetarian diet, here is a great article to help you get started.
1, Roshni Sanghvi
Roshni Sanghvi was the first Indian to compete on a national level on a completely plant- based diet. She is not only a fitness coach but a wholistic transformation specialist. Popular by the name of The Vegan Khalese, Roshni is some what of a beast when it comes to fitness. Her 100 kilo deadlift video’s will inspire you to hit the gym right away. Having her masters in Clinical psychology, Roshni uses fitness as a form of therapy to her clients. This is much needed in today’s age and time. Working with body image issues to food adictions, Roshni aim’s to help people reverse their lifestyle diseases through a plant- based diet.
2. Varinder Singh Ghuman, Innovative Bodybuilder with a smart brain
He started as a promising cricketer and later swayed all his focus in bodybuilding. He won Mr. India and is the first Asian to get to the top line of Arnold Classic Europe and International Championship of bodybuilding.
The bright and example setter Varinder’s diet consists of yellow dal, chapatis, greens, and curd.
Follow Varinder Singh at- https://www.instagram.com/varinderghumanofficial/?hl=en
3. Preetinder Singh, ISSA certified Sports Nutritionist – He started his fitness journey at 16 as a chubby boy and now transformed into an athlete & nutritionist. Shredded Singh is a vegetarian and create recipes and workouts for muscle building.
Follow Preetinder Singh at: https://www.instagram.com/shredded.singh/
4. Abhishek Thevar, A vegan bodybuilder – “ An athlete needs 1-2grams of protein per kg of the body weight, which can be covered with a vegan diet.”
Abhishek wears several hats – dancer, trainer, and has managed to gain all the muscle purely plant diet and dedication based. He has religiously stuck up with a vegan diet even in times the doctor recommended going against it, due to a severe injury. Resultantly, he has
proved to us all that a plant-based diet helps in faster recovery.
Follow Abhishek at –https://www.instagram.com/abhishekthevar/?hl=en
5. Sangram Singh, Professional wrestler– He won gold in 2006, commonwealth games. His sheer grit and limitation, helped him overcome his limitations and achieve the title.
Sangram’s diet includes dal, veggies, fruits, and curds. Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic herb and power yoga routine Sangram chooses to build his stamina with.
Follow Sangram’s journey at – https://www.instagram.com/sangramsingh_wrestler/?hl=en
6. Amit Dahiya – “Your present is a reflection of your work you have put in the past ,
Similarly the efforts you put in your present can build a great future.
If you want someone to inspire you to try CrossFit, Amit is your guy. He makes fitness look easy and fun. Amit often shares his client success stories on his social media page and promotes a plant- based diet. To those who believe vegan’s are week, watch Amit’s fitness routines and you will be surprised.
Follow Amit at – https://www.instagram.com/coachamitdahiya/?hl=en
7. Ishwari Patil – “Life is available only in the present. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life
A yogi and Runner, Ishwari wears many hats. Switching between a vegetarian and vegan diet, Ishwari’s profile is filled with good vibes and motivation. She often shares her knowledge about food and exercise and is here to motivate you to start your fitness journey. Make sure to check her Instagram page and approach her if you want to start your yoga journey.
Ride along with Ishwari at – https://www.instagram.com/_ishwari_/
8. Pratab Bhoumik – “It is possible to indulge in any form of fitness you wish to while enjoying a delicious and wholesome vegan diet.”
Pratab is a youtuber and natural bodybuilder. His plant- based recipes and motivation he shares on youtube is somewhat of a myth buster series. Pratab is also a medical student and often shares the science behind why a plant based diet is better for the body.
Follow him at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3KklEVsjfR_koXvt2fd3A
9. Dhruv Chaudhuri, A fitness trainer – “It’s very much possible with a vegan diet”.
A regular practitioner of martial arts, Callisthenics and weight training and mastered performing human flag. He kickstarts his morning with oats, soy milk. A spoonful of vegan protein is added to this meal. (Soy milk is one of his favourite drinks, by the way.) Mid-morning consists of nuts, flax seeds, bread and chutney. And one more tall glass of vegan protein, mixed with water. Lunch is mostly rice, dal, and tofu.
Bananas are usually his pre-workouts.
Follow Dhruv’s journey at – https://www.instagram.com/dhruvchaudhuri
10. Azad Singh, A professional fitness trainer –“I think we should look at all realms of gains, and not just physical”.
He has been training for 11 years. This is why I have over 50,000 followers and have been featured on popular fitness publications like Men’s Fitness. He has drew upon over a decade’s worth of experience to educate clients and help them reach their fitness goals.
To know more about Azad Singh – https://www.instagram.com/azads1ngh/
The fact that these fighters are doing the same thing as the would being doing without consuming meat and dairy, promoting environment and ethics on the way of their journey, is highly commendable. It takes a lot of work, countless hours of working out, meals prepping (which might get a little repetitive with their highly hectic schedules), cutting out meat and dairy in conjunction with a proper workout regime.
These gems are using very efficient ways of activism and debunking myths whilst standing out with their achievements and reinvesting all their power to make the world a better place.