10 Lesser Known Facts About IVF You Should Know Right Away!
In Vitro Fertilization, also known as IVF is a renowned infertility treatment used by many wannabe parents all over the world. Infertility is a common issue and research suggests that 1 out of every 6 couples get affected by it. Due to the misconceptions, only 5% select IVF to help them conceive. In addition to that, single parents and homosexuals also pursue IVF to become parents.
Below you will find 10 interesting (yet, lesser known) facts that you should consider before searching for the best IVF clinics in the U.S. and undergoing an IVF treatment:
1. IVF Process Can be Lengthy
Let’s admit it, IVF can be really time consuming. The process begins by fetching eggs from a woman’s ovary and placing them side-by-side with the man’s sperm to grow. The fertilized eggs are then put back inside the womb to let pregnancy occur. This can include taking medication and visiting clinics for tests or checkups. Although, the actual procedure just takes an hour or two, you have to visit your doctor for the embryo to be inserted ahead of coming back for the pregnancy test. All in all, the complete IVF process can take 5 to 6 weeks.
2. There are Different IVF Types Available
Although traditional IVF procedure is the most common IVF type in the U.S., there are other alternates too that you should consider before making the final decision. For instance, Natural IVF is amazing in a sense that it doesn’t involve any simulating drugs. In addition to that, there are other less drugs-influenced forms available that work great without disturbing your menstrual cycle.
3. IVF is Not Cheap
The IVF cycle cost involves tests, eggs removal, embryology and the transfer of embryos. However, as IVF treatment procedure is usually adjusted to your individual requirements, the costs for medication, tests and scans are not covered in this price and will differ from person to person. Hence, it is important that you should get a better idea about the cost before undergoing the treatment.
4. Success Rate May Vary from Patient to Patient
When it comes to IVF treatment, the success rate heavily relies on the patient’s age. In average women, the downturn in infertility starts at around 36 and speed up through the 40’s. Women over an age of 40 are less likely to conceive than the younger women. This is because the quantity and quality of eggs both deteriorate with the passage of time.
The general misconception about men’s fertility is that it stays stable and never declines with time. But the fact is, with diminishing testosterone levels, the quality and quantity of sperms also deteriorate with time.
5. You May Require Multiple Cycles of Treatment
Most patients will need to undergo multiple treatment cycles before attaining a successful pregnancy. As more and more latest approaches are introduced, there’s a substantial improvement in the success rates. If you’ve selected IVF as an infertility solution, it’s important to understand that you’re beginning a series of cycles and not just a single treatment cycle. Always discuss things with your doctor and clear your doubts. According to one of the studies conducted recently, the chances of success augments with an increased number of treatment cycles.
6. Frozen is as Viable as Fresh
Current research has proposed that frozen eggs are just as good as fresh. A recent research suggests that eggs stored at the age of 35 acquires a 50% chance of having a successful pregnancy through IVF treatment.
7. Multiple Birth is Possible with IVF
IVF can result in greater possibilities of a multiple pregnancy. Generally, twins and triplets are very common with infertility treatments. However, higher order of multiples are barely the outcome of IVF as they usually occur as a high dosage of fertility drugs and IUI. In the U.S., many infertility clinics work with a strict single embryo transfer policy as multiple birth can be risky for both mother and the baby.
8. There’s No Assurance That IVF will Work
Sadly, even if you’re perfectly healthy and if everything is going according to the plan, that doesn’t essentially mean that you’ll definitely conceive with IVF.
9. Be Ready for Some Uncomfortable Side Effects
The IVF shots and medications can cause some irritable side effects including abdominal bloating and breast tenderness. Some other side effects may include headache, nausea and anxiety.
10. Take Care of Your Self
IVF treatment can be truly stressful. It’s possible to feel down and think negatively about yourself. Make sure to keep yourself calm and relaxed during the entire process. Pamper yourself by spending time in your favorite salon, allotting time for your favorite hobby or you can also meditate to get rid of all the negative thoughts you’re having during the entire process. Keep in mind, taking good care of yourself is as crucial as any other step of the treatment.