10 Easy Crafts to Do at Home
One thing we love about crafts is that you can do them in the comfort of your home. Moreover, you can do lots of craft yourself without instructors. Since you can make them easily, the choice of what to create depends on what you like. Also, you can create the textures and colors you want and use them to your heart’s content.
So, no matter the type of design you’re looking for, you can get it here. It doesn’t matter whether it is self-sufficiency, fun, decoration, or efficiency; there are 10 easy crafts to do at home in this article. Just pick the ones you love and try them out.
Simple Handcraft May Day Basket
This homemade basket is easy to make. They are the perfect craft for the spring season. You only need paper, a little bit of doily, and string, that’s all. You can make this particular craft with your kids in any color you want. After making your May Day basket, you can gather the beautiful spring flowers or candy canes during the winter to fill them up. This simple craft is a surefire way for all-year fun.
Feeder Wreath for Bird
The bird feeder wreath is in the form of a circle. You only need a few melted suets, a few bird seeds, wide ribbon, and circular mold. The best use for this beautiful craft is to feed your feathery friends throughout the winter season. You only need;
- Suet
- Baking dish or saucepan
- Fine cheesecloth
- Measuring cup
- Fresh cranberries
- 6-cup Bundt pan
- Wild Birdseed
- Dried cranberries
- Wide ribbon
- Big plastic spoon
- Unsalted roasted peanuts
Do it Yourself Magnet Board
You and your kids can create this particular craft at home. Decorating it is the fun part. You can call your kids to help you and have fun while decorating this magnet board. The only things you will need are; ribbon, paint, washi tape, and chalkboard paint if you so wish.
Three- Ingredient Play Dough
This is the simplest craft you can do in a few minutes. The recipe for this craft only needs three ingredients. This particular craft can cure the boredom for your little tykes at home any day! Just keep your baking soda and cornstarch handy to have the fun of your life.
Do It Yourself Hungry Caterpillar Design
This hungry caterpillar craft is not an ordinary one but a starving one. Your kids will surely love to make this craft with you at home. Kids love to produce their particular fruit-loving critter. This craft is easy to do. You only need glue, scissors, paper, and a few googly eyes. To be precise, this craft is perfect for any dull day at home.
Yarn Wrapped Painted Jars
The yarn-wrapped painted jar is another simple craft you can do at home. You only need to wrap some twine or yarn around your chosen jar, paint it, and remove the yarn immediately when it dries. Your end product will be a beautiful luminary that will be suitable for candles or tea lights. You will only need;
- Many clean jars
- Strings or yarns
- One can of white spray paint
- Surface covering
Yogurt Cheese
This particular craft comes from yogurt with a tangy flavor. Also, its texture is like soft creamy cheese. You and your family can enjoy it when placed on water crackers, although you can use it on other crackers as well.
You just need to place some cheesecloth layers inside a colander. Then pour the plain yogurt and allow it to drain throughout the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will get a cheese that is so very creamy. This particular craft is perfect for any get-together or party.
Leaf Stepping-Stones
You can easily create these awesome stepping-stones with a trowel, cement, and large leaves for your garden. It looks just like rhubarb.
Coffee or Tea Mugs with Message
Coffee or tea mugs craft is a cup with handcrafted sharpie pictures. You can draw clip art on it and detail it with the message you want. For instance, you can write a date that is important to you or your initials on them. You can even draw the picture of your favorite art or message your loved one on the cups. The choice of whatever you want on the cups is yours.
You only need to get your coffee or tea mug, get your sharpie marker, write your message inside the cup bottom or side, and bake it in your oven at 350o F for about 30 minutes. The baking will make whatever you write on the cup permanent. It is the perfect gift for bridal parties. Every bride will love this particular craft idea.
Hanging Garden Basket
This hanging garden basket is filled with mouthwatering edibles. It is a DIY project which everyone will love to do, and it doesn’t take much time. You can place your favorite assortment of veggies inside it after you finish. For instance, you can place strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, and also lettuce. The only things you need to prepare your hanging garden basket are; some seedlings, a few mosses, and a wire basket, of course.
Final Words
There are so many easy crafts you can do at home without spending much. The choice is limitless, and the fun is endless. In this article, we listed the easiest and most interesting crafts you can do with your kids or alone. When you are alone or bored at home and looking for what to do to spice your life up, you can choose any of the craft ideas listed here.
Hopefully, some of these crafts will provide an inspiration that can liven up and add fun to your stay at home. Feel free to do more research on the specific craft of your choice. You can also type into the search engine for easy crafts to do at home to get more ideas that will interest you.