25 Cool Car Pictures Free To Download
The car represents one of the most important assets of a family, but it is also a reason to be proud. People express their social statute with their cars. There are not so many people that have old cars and are rich. The car is indeed one of the most important inventions of humankind. Since it was discovered 150 years ago, it had developed greatly, and today, we have billions of cars everywhere in the world. The new trend is green, so the future belongs to electric cars, but this does not mean that we can’t appreciate a great vehicle that consumes 20 liters/100 miles, and which can reach the most amazing speeds!
Car may be just a mode of transport for you but it also signifies comfort and convenience. It is a very common dream symbol that represents your motivation to achieve a goal. This is true when you see yourself driving the car while sitting inside the car as a passenger means that you have given the responsibilities in your life to another person in real life.
Car is intricately linked to our lives and we cannot think of life without this mode of transportation. However, cars are also associated with us at psychological or emotional levels. If you are driving a car all alone, it indicates your independence. Seeing one applying the brakes of the car in a dream means that you are in control of your life. Seeing the engine of a car in a dream means you are thinking about important machines in your life.